Introducing our premium epoxy solutions! Whether you require a swift same-day residential installation or a more intricate Trowel down quartz system, our team has got you covered. With our top-notch expertise and dedication to quality, we deliver exceptional results tailored to meet your specific needs. Don't settle for anything less than excellence—choose our reliable epoxy services today!
Police Department Project (Covina CA)
Overlay with Slip resistant Sealer
This job was originally specified for ground and polished concrete. However, It was not possible to get machinery in the basement (there is a ground level and basement install). As well there was a section that had a 2" Pit after the old tile had been removed.
We filled the hole (about 270 square feet) with underlayment and then topped it off with a 1/4 topping. From there we added color, broadcasted 90 grit mesh silica bead and finally topped it off with Westcoat EC 11
Urethane Cement with Novalac Top coat for a dairy (Visalia CA)
Manufacturing Plant (Palm Desert CA)
What: Urethane Cement
Product: Crown Polymers
Why: The customer was having issues in the area where the employees come off the production floor. The grease from their feet created a very slippery exit. The customer tried to remedy by putting caution tape down but it did not work. TMC was hired to create an exit that was non-slip yet matched the production floor. The time-line was to be performed over the weekend between shifts. Mission accomplished. The customer now has a clean, safe exit that will last for years to come.